Friday, January 15, 2010

Death Knell

'There's a lot of great work here.' With those words you can reliably expect to have said work never see the light of day. The kiss of death in a creative meeting.There are several other phrases that say one thing but are bulletproof signals that you're going down in flames.'You've given us lots to think about.''I want to share this with my team.''We're taking another look at our budgets.'The reason all these killers work so well is that it aims to the soft and open heart of a creative. One puts every bit of commitment, enthusiasm and ego into presenting and sharing new work. And, one is left hanging. Naked. Waiting. Hoping.The creative wants for nothing more than his audience to be receptive, welcoming. Nothing more than feeling the audience 'get it.'And when the response is one of these killers or others it hurts.

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